Machine Knitters, Southeastern, PA

This blog is now under the domain of Streets Smarts Fiber Arts. The transition from Spring City Knitters Club to Sophisticated Stitches Club and now Streets Smarts Fiber Arts has been quite a journey. Though this blog will undergo many new and exciting changes machine knitting will still be one of the fiber arts featured Look for information on sewing, machine embroidery, hand knitting, and many other fiber arts related subjects.

Monday, January 06, 2014

Happy 2014 to all!

Dora in a sweater she made and wore proudly.  

When I think of Dora Goren, I think of someone who had a great deal of knowledge about machine knitting, especially with a single bed knitting machine.  If memory serves me she owned Brother and Singer machines.  I also believe she had a Studio machine somewhere in the mix.  But mostly she was a fan of Brother knitting machines.  She loved her Brother standard gauge machine since she was able to use her G-Carriage and PPD. 

Her work was impeccable, flawless.  No crappie knitting,  no unfinished edges, no poorly fitting garments.  Dora knew how to machine knit and “finish” a garment.  She knew the importance of making a swatch.  Her garments fit because she knew her body and what looked good on her.  She had a good sense of color and purple seemed to be her favorite color.  She knew how to work with acrylic yarns because she was allergic to wool.

When it came to books, magazines and patterns, she read and owned more of them than anyone without a store had a right to own.  But that was Dora.  Always wanting to learn.  When we drove together to the club meetings she would fill me in on the who’s who of machine knitting while strolling down memory lane.  She told me how she bought her first knitting machine from overseas.  I believe she found it during a trip to Europe in the 1950s.

She told me stories of her struggle to learn machine knitting.  Her stories made me realize I wasn’t the only person who had an interest in machine knitting, but had difficulty finding someone to help me learn my craft.

As a walking encyclopedia I was impressed by her knowledge.  Well into her eighties when we first met, I couldn’t help but think what a great memory she had.  But then I realized when you love something as much as Dora loved machine knitting, it was easy to remember.

Dora continued to ride with me to the club meetings until a few years ago when she didn’t feel up to making the monthly trip.  But she still kept machine knitting at home.  

In her early 90s Dora lost her driver’s license. Personally I thought she should have just let it go.  But not Dora. As a person who loved to learn, I had to admire her diligence in studying to regain her license and succeeding at getting it back by passing the written and performance tests associated with the state of Pennsylvania’s issuance of a driver's license.

On Sunday, December 28, 2013 we lost Dora at the age of 96.  I will always remember how generous she was with her knowledge and her enthusiasm for machine knitting.  Just like the other members of the Sophisticated Stitches club, I too will miss her.  Below are some photos of Dora in days and times gone by.  Enjoy them!

Dora working out knitting calculations at a seminar in November 2007.

Dora describing a pink child's dress she made.

Dora trying on a necklace made by another club member with Gertrude Vance watching.

The club celebrating Dora's birthday with Mary Hummer looking on.

Dora showing off one of the books she loved making garments from.

Below is the upcoming schedule for the Sophisticated Stitches club for 2014. Most meetings will be held at the Church, however not all will.  For confirmation of meeting location, contact me at

The First United Church of Christ
145 Chestnut St., Maple Room (behind the main meeting room)
Spring City, PA 19475
(Parking in the back.)

February 22, 2014 

March 22, 2914

April 26, 2014 

May 31, 2014
August 23, 2014
September 27, 2014




  • At 11:21 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

    what time is the meeting ? I just found your club after I bought a singer 360 with all the accessories and would love to come and watch thank you in advance julie

  • At 11:22 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

    what time is the meeting ? I just found your club after I bought a singer 360 with all the accessories and would love to come and watch thank you in advance julie


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